Bu derlemede İstanbul’daki Sahaflar Çarşısı ve mazide çokça örneğine rastlanan imha edilen ve/veya çöpe atılan özel arşivler vekütüphaneler konularında haberler ve makaleler yer almakta. Ayrıca 1930’lu yılların yayın âlemini fazlasıyla meşgul etmiş “neden kitap okumuyoruz?”tartışmalarının basına yansımaları da derlemede yer alan bir diğer bölüm. Nihayet Ankara’nın ünlü kitap koleksiyoneri Talat Öncü’nün artık hayattaolmayan ve Ankara’nın kitabiyat âleminde unutulmaz izler bırakmış olan iki sahafı, “Külüstür” Turgut Koraltan ve Etem Coşkun (Aşiyan Sahaf),hakkındaki anıları da kitabı tamamlamakta. ... Devamı
This book is the history of the B’nai B’rith Lodge of the Orient established in Constantinople in 1911. It is based on primary sources and gives an overall view of the history of this important society of the Istanbul Jewish community. It also includes the facsimile of the official regulations of the Lodge when it was established as well as after it was reorganized and renamed as the Fakirleri Koruma Cemiyeti (Society for the Protection of the Poor) following the acceptance of the new Law on Societies (Cemiyetler Kanunu) in June 1938 which prohibited Turkish civil societies to be a member of international organisations. ... Devamı
This book is the story of a group of young Turkish Jews who in March 1949 illegally immigrated to the new born State of Israel. The book includes the Hebrew translation of the Turkish diary that was written during the journey by one of the youngsters, Yaakov Krudo, its English translation and a number of documents concerning Zionist activities in Istanbul and Izmir in 1948-1949 among young Turkish Jews. It also includes the observations and impressions of Victor Eliachar, the first consul appointed to the newly opened Israeli Consulate in Istanbul in March 1949. ... Devamı
What you will read in this book are the documented assesments of a remote past.But they are also the traces of a more recent past, namely the last quarter of the 20thcentury. Commercial activities which were a significant part of the daily life of thecities and towns, and even rural life to a certain extent... And the tradesmens of thebazaars, the craftsmen who produced goods with their savings in the pre-industrialperiod, and the merchants who brought these products to the consumer…. Theauthor tried to think of and visualize each of them as if she was living in an Ottomancity, town and bazaar. This book is also a tribute to the history of the author's family,who were tradesmen and merchants, and to her parents who supported her ... Devamı